Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Adding Sensory Details to Writing

This week, we have been working on adding sensory details to our narrative writing.  These details will really make our descriptions come to life!  On Monday, we looked at sound details we could add, and today, we looked at feel/touch words we could use.

Sensory details are part of our Success Criteria.  Each student has a checklist of Success Criteria in their writing notebook.  We look at this every day to help focus our writing.  When we publish narratives, we will check off as many boxes as we can.  At the end of our narrative unit, the goal is to have all the boxes marked off!
Writing 1's list of sound words

Writing 2's list of touch/feel words

Welcome to Our Blog!

Welcome to our class blog!  This will be a space for teachers and students to post updates about our learning and all of the exciting things happening at our school!  I (Ms. Spieckermann) will be choosing two journalists for each month to post updates several times a week.  I will post some updates, too.  However, I really want my students to take ownership of their learning and this blog!