Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Sign Language Spelling

This week, we have started our spelling program, Words Their Way.  This program was used sporadically last year, and this year, we are using it as our prominent spelling program.  At the end of 4th grade, students were given a spelling inventory.  The results of this placed them into different groups for spelling and word work in 5th grade.  Mr. Graves, Mr. Martin, and I have separated students into three groups: Derivational Relations, Syllables and Affixes, and Within Word Pattern.  Each of us takes a group daily, and focuses on specific spelling patterns. 

We will be in a 7 day cycle in Words Their Way, which I have outlined below:

Day 1: Introduce new words, focus on spelling pattern, cut words, practice sort
Day 2: Review spelling pattern, Blind Buddy Sorts
Day 3: Activity Choice
Day 4: Speed Sorts
Day 5: Word Hunts, Speed Sort
Day 6: Worksheet from WTW book, Sort and Glue
Day 7: Spelling Check

Today was Day 3, and I introduced Sign Language Spelling as their first activity.  Each student had a copy of the sign language alphabet, and they worked with their partner to spell words using sign language.  They loved this and were so focused on spelling!  I wish had gotten pictures of them signing to their buddy!

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